
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring shoot - Charlotte + Aleksandraa

Had a shoot with two beautiful models, everything fell together perfectly. I had been trying to get this shoot to work several times with different models but things kept getting in the way. I'm so glad I got to shoot it with them nevertheless! Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did! :)

Models: Charlotte Redfern and Aleksandraa Holownie
Styling and hair: Aleksandraa Holownia
Makeup: Farah Dajani 

All photos are owned and copyrighted by Aya Dajani and may not be used without written permission.


Here are some behind the scenes :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mount Nebo, Jordan

Something I love about photography, no matter how bad the rest of your day turns out. The moments you take these pictures and come back to work on them, you feel the happiness that was clouded by other events from your day. I'm always remembering how I'm so lucky to be passionate about something that brings nothing but beautiful emotions to your life. 

These photographs were taken in Mount Nebo, Jordan. This mountain is famous from its religious reference. It claims that Moses stood last there looking over Palestine wanting to start his travel but died before he reached Palestine. It's not known exactly where his death occurred and where he was buried. But, it's confirmed that the last place he stayed was Mountain Nebo. It's really beautiful. All the walls of mosaics and rich history embedded in this one mountain really puts you in another world. Hope you can tell from the pictures. 

The gate they used to close the city

 A symbol of Moses's stick that split the ocean in half for him and his people to pass